A Great Vegetarian Dish — Good for You and Taste Good Too

Over the years I have always wondered why many vegetarian dishes have such bad rep…In reality the truth is simple!  They are just not that great πŸ™
So, one of the objectives I have is to put together recommendations and recipes for good and simple to cook in most cases vegetarian dishes.  Here is my next one:

Cauliflower with Eggs
Note:  This recipe is a variant of cauliflower prepared in many geographies as either (a) Tempura — if you are in Japan (b) deep fried in batter — if you are in Bulgaria; among many…..
I like all of those dishes so sort of created my own (very easy) recipe:

1 Cauliflower
4 eggs
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Parsley – to taste
Salt – to taste

Break the cauliflower in small florets and throw in a large frying (non-stick) pan where first you have added the oil.  Stir-fry on moderate heat until the cauliflower turns golden brown.  Add salt — at that point in time the cauliflower will release some water — continue to fry it until the water evaporates — do not forget to stiff very often so the vegetable does not burn. 
Chop the parsley and add. Stir
Add the eggs and finish frying.

Serve over steamed rice (white or brown)
Goes well with a cucumber, tomato, onion, and pepper salad.  Enjoy!