Cabbage Salad

Here is the Bulgarian salad which is probably closest to the American coleslaw.  Based on the input from many of my friends here in the US, this version is quite a bit better…so feel free to try making it and you be the judge.  It goes very well with hearty dishes and various roasts and of course with burgers.   Enough said – here we go with the recipe:

Ingredients Preparation
Cabbage – one head wash well; then dry by letting the water drain off it; Slice the cabage in 4 quarters; Dice each of the quarters in as thin pieces as possible;
Carrots – 2 large Peel the carrots; then using the peeler you can shave the carrots into strips that are then added to the diced cabbage; the remainder of the carrots (that are difficult to shave) can be chopped for the salad;
Celery – 3 stalks with leafs  Wash well since a leafy vegetable; Dice in small pieces 
Red or Yellow Pepper – 1  Wash and chop in thin slices
Flat lead parsley – 10 stalks or so Wash well – same rationale as the celery — and dice in small pieces

Once you have all the ingredients prepared — start by placing 1/3 of the diced cabbage in a bowl and sprinkle 1 table spoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of salt on it.  Using your hands crush the diced cabbage — you will know if the process is working well by feeling the cabbage wilting in your hands;  Repeat the process for the rest of the cabbage;  Then add the carrots, peppers, celery and parsley and mix well;  Finally add 2 table spoons of vinegar and olive oil.  Mix well all the ingredients and YES! you are done!
